Writing an asefru today: three stanzas, 7-5-7 syllables, each rhymed aab, a poetic form from Berber literature in Kabylia. Thanks to Necia N Campbell and other poets in the Stafford Challenge community facebook who have written isefra (plural of asefru) lately. A new form to me! Star Stuff
Friends, won’t you comment, please? Love to know what you’re thinking. Ingat, everyone. ヅ |
Poetry Wednesday, No. 229.
5 hours ago
Isn't it sad that "sploggers" have nearly ruined all the conversational fun of blogging? I am determined (not for the first time, but at some point I'll succeed, surely!) to revive it, if only on a smallish scale.
I think it's a good alternative to "doomscrolling."
I'm still pondering how I feel about being made of stardust. I like to think of how it implies eternal continuity - before me and after me. No matter what happens in between.
Yes and yes and yes!
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