The next poem from Dragonfly is inspired by a girlfriend I had at the end of the '70s, early '80s, fictional but with biographical elements.
Morgan Kali Murray
Her mother had named her after the car,
the MG’s richer cousin, leather belt
strapping down the engine cowling. She added
the middle name while into Hindu mythology at Vassar.
She had always admired
Kali’s many arms, the necklace of skulls.
But I met her at the dentist’s. Auburn hair
like a candle flame above her dental
assistant’s whites.
Wild, wild nights
every Sunday at her basement apartment, she
still sweaty from a weekend of riding.
Jolene the Rodeo Queen,
Budweiser-loving barrel racer.
Then Monday mornings, I’d be in the chair,
the dentist and I breathing each other’s breath.
And Morgan sitting just to my left, a hand on my thigh,
smiling through
a mist of blood and water,
suspension of tiny shavings of teeth.
Page 32
As always, I'd love to get some feedback or discuss anything with all y'all. Comment, okay? Thanks. Ingat.
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