Hello, friends! Happy New 2017 and welcome back to the blog. It's that time of year again when Rhysling Award nominations are happening in the international Science Fiction Poetry Association. To help SFPA members who might want to read my speculative poems that are eligible for the awards, here's a list of those poems with links to where the poems live. Okay, first, the short-form poems, fewer than 50 lines. The eight poems from "Encounter on Good Friday" through "Aswang Christening: A Family Photo" below are part of a poem-cycle, a novella in poems, about two aswang (mythical Philippine monsters who pass as ordinary people during the day but turn into predators by night — vampires, shapeshifter, ghouls, and other fiendish creatures). These two, named Clara and Santiago, fall in love and attempt to transcend their monsterly natures in order to start a family and build a peaceful, loving life together. Or so they hope.
Second, the long-form poems, more than 50 lines:
This wonderful illustration by Richard Fay accompanied my poetry sequence "Menage à Tiger and Dragon" at Altered Reality Magazine.
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A Roman Circus in the Time of Domitian
11 hours ago
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