Day Six. Now 1/5 of the way through National Poem. Still 4/5 to go so lots more NaPoWriMo and Poem-a-Day pieces to read out there on the web. Twenty-four more days of poetic goodness. Be sure to check out the comments to each day in the NaPoWriMo and PAD webpages where participants post their day's poems. Speaking of which Maureen Thorson's NaPoWriMo suggested form today is the aubade: "morning poems, about dawn and daybreak, [which often] take the form of lovers' morning farewells." Robert Lee Brewer's PAD challenge for day six is a "things-not-as-they-appear poem." An interesting challenge to try to combine these two prompts, especially if one takes on the aubade as a poem about lovers awakening at morning. Well, I think I successfully combined the two prompts. You be the judge. Here you go. Aubade This is a terza rima haiku sonnet, a form I invented. The first four stanzas are each a 5-7-5 haiku (in form, not sense), followed by a closing couplet of 7-7. The rhymes are terza rima, interlocked triple rhyme — aba bcb cdc ded ee — often slant rhymed. Give the form a try! Alan's intro today: "I attempted to combine the two prompts again, the aubade and the 'things are not as they seem' challenges." Elopement Aubade Alan, great job with the villanelle and also with the prompt combining. My favorite line is "Regrets? I've none at all. I've none." The repetition of "I've none" suggests the possibility that the speaker doth protest too much. And that there are deeper, perhaps contradictory meanings in the poem. Bravo. Friends, won't you comment, please? Love to know what you're thinking. To comment, look for a red line below that starts Posted by, then click once on the word comments in that line. If you don't find the word "comments" in that line, then look for a blue link below that says Post a comment and click it once. Thanks! Ingat, everyone. ヅ |
A Roman Circus in the Time of Domitian
11 hours ago
Hmmm. Another aswang? I like it, and I am considering various scenarios that might follow or precede this one.
I've got to admit, Vince, combining these two today about wore me out.
Vick, not an aswang this time. Though I wrote "Aswang Love" on day four. You should check that poem out.
Alan, come on. Out of 19 lines, you had 2 that were each re-used 3 times. So you only had 15 different lines. :-D Just kidding. Hope you're all rested up!
Vick, just checked your poem six. Brava!
Yup, not an aswang but a dreamboat, for sure.
Ha! i like that sonnet, Vince - it seems to fit loosely with your "aswang" series. And you know me, the form junkie - I'll just have to try this form. I invented one called the "pan-ku" - you can find it in a now-defunct e-zine called Tilt-a-Whirl:
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