Day Eight. 2 x 2 x 2. Two cubed. Four doubled. The beginning of a new week in National-Poetry-Month land. Whoo-eee! A couple of really great prompts today. Robert Lee Brewer suggests "an instructional poem. Your instructional poem could list instructions. Or it could capture an instructional moment." Maureen Thorson proposes "writing in ottava rima — an Italian form that, in English, usually takes the form of an eight-line stanza of iambic pentameter, with a rhyme scheme of Okay, Maureen and Robert, I am your man. Did both: instructions for writing ottava rima in the form of an ottava rima. How to Write an Ottava Rima And with that I sashay away. Short and sweet. Comment below, please, before you sashay? Thanks a bunch. Ingat, everyone. |
a great offer!
7 hours ago
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