My second poetry collection Ghost Wars, published by Final Thursday Press in 2003, is a chapbook that came out shortly after the beginning of the Iraq War, as an antiwar protest. (This book is now out of print.) Unlike Dragonfly, which was serialized in the blog, I am presenting this chapbook whole in this single blog page (readable below). I will expand on only one page from Ghost Wars, in the same fashion individual poems were highlighted from Dragonfly, focusing here on the haiku "Not a War Memorial." Typically, haiku are not titled, but I chose to forego that tradition with this poem. Page 27 Tribute in Light is a public art installation commemorating 9/11 in which 88 7000-watt lights beam two towers of light into the New York City sky. The mention in the footnote on this page refers to the first time the tribute was put on; it has reoccurred every September 11th since that time, from dusk to dawn of that night.
As it says on the page reproduced above, this poem was dedicated to Saade Mustafa, a Palestinian American electrician in the movie business who set up lights at Ground Zero (9/11) to assist with the first-responder work. The image below is what appeared in the book of monumental photographs by Joe McNally, Faces of Ground Zero: Portraits of the Heroes of September 11, 2001.
Below, you can read Ghost Wars in its entirety. This is easiest to read on a computer screen, but if you are on a phone, turn it sideways and it should be readable. I hope you enjoy these poems. The book's synopsis on the back cover says that these poems deal with "the contradictory psychological demands made on soldiers," and more As always, I'd love to get some feedback or discuss anything with all y'all. Comment, okay? Thanks. Ingat. |
found poem: virulent
17 hours ago
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