Day 9 . . . here's the intro from the 9 April 2017 blog post (like I did on Day 3 last week).
Day Nine. A novena of poems. Triple triple. Number nine . . . number nine . . . number nine . . . (You might need a little bit of age, some mileage, to get that last allusion.)
Now, on to the prompts for the day. Maureen Thorson’s NaPoWriMo suggestion: “Today, we’d like to challenge you to write [an] ode celebrating an everyday object."
Robert Lee Brewer’s Poem-a-Day suggestion: “For today's Two-for-Tuesday prompt: 1) Write a love poem, and/or . . . 2) Write an anti-love poem.”
My poem today is a hay(na)ku sonnet. The hay(na)ku stanza counts words: line 1 one word, line 2 two words, and line 3 three words. Sometimes hay(na)ku can be reversed 3-2-1. The hay(na)ku was invented by the poet Eileen Tabios in 2003, and I am its godfather, having named it. The hay(na)ku sonnet is my invention: five hay(na)ku stanzas with the last one squished to 3-3 in order for the lines to come up to 14. This poem merges all three prompts today!
Ode to my Dragon Jeans
do love
these embroidered jeans.
Dragon —
incarnadine, verdigris
— emblazons the seat.
However, I worry
people think,
So I don’t
wear them
But today, I
sport them brazenly!
—Draft by Vince Gotera [Do not copy or quote . . . thanks.]
Friends, won’t you comment, please? Love to know what you’re thinking. Thanks!
Ingat, everyone. ヅ |
Love it!! This inspires me! -- Jesse
Hay(na)ku is fast becoming one of my favorite forms of poetry. It's fun yo read and playfyl to write 1-2-3 and then reverse.
Adding two lines to make this a sonnet is very clever.
Cool jeans! Cool Hay(na)ku sonnet!
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