Day Four ... tootin' my own horn: I am today's Poem-a-Day guest judge at Robert Lee Brewer's Poetic Asides. Take a peek at today's blog post ... my picture's there! Actually, here it is
Sorry I'm so excited about this. Doesn't happen every day. Okay, let's get down to the Day Four business. The NaPoWriMo suggestion today is the lune, "a sort of English-language variation on the haiku, meant to better render the tone of the Japanese haiku than the standard 5-7-5 format we all learned (and maybe loved) in elementary school." Maureen continues, "[L]et’s try the version developed by Jack Collum. His version of the lune involves a three-line stanza. The first line has three words. The second line has five, and the third line has three." The Poetic Asides prompt today is a "Since (blank)" poem. "[T]ake the phrase 'Since (blank),' replace the blank with a word or phrase, make the new phrase the title of your poem, and then, write your poem." Thanks, Robert. So ... mashup: a "since (blank)" lune. Here we go! Since a New Spring And now to my poeming buddy. Alan sets up for his Day Four poem: "I'm still wrestling with that prompt suggesting that we take a mythic figure outside the Greco-Roman tradition and place him/her in a contemporary setting. Given the heavy influence of Warner Brothers cartoons on my youth, it was easy later to see that Coyote myths suit me pretty well. Let's note, as they say, that this is a work of poetic license. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental." Coyote Hacks into the Email Account Holy Acme, Batman! "Coyote, adjunct, teaching comp, / distressed" Okay, lots to respond to today, folks. Won't you comment below, please? Look for a blue link below that says "Post a comment"; if you don't see that, look in the red line that starts "Posted by" and click on the word "comments." See you tomorrow? Ingat, everyone. ヅ |
A Roman Circus in the Time of Domitian
21 hours ago
Love your poem draft! What beautiful images and sounds!
This lune form is nifty, and I really enjoy "Since a New Spring," Vince. Also: "Coyote Hacks..." is my new favorite myth poem EVER--what brilliance!
Thank you, Ms. Bullis!--TAH
Shaindel, thank you so much. And Jennifer, many thanks to you too. Are you both doing NaPoWriMo this month too?
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