Hello, everyone. Day ONE FOUR . . . almost halfway through National Poetry Month. Prompts prompts prompts. Maureen Thorson says, “because it’s the 14th, I challenge you to write a sonnet.” Robert Lee Brewer tells us: write a doomsday poem. Check out Robert’s cool sample poem, which mixes doomsday with tax day. In today’s prompt for her “April Writing Challenge 2012,” Andrea Boltwood suggests an ode to a favorite candy. Her sprightly example celebrates Gummi Bears. Yum. Once again, I’ve been an overachiever and mashed up all three prompts, though I only manage to mention my favorite candies. No ode from me today. Preparing for Doomsday 2012 What a fun poem to write. My second hay(na)ku composition! In fact, I think I've invented the hay(na)ku sonnet. Four hay(na)ku, adding up to twelve lines, and then a couplet of three words per line, each equivalent to the third line of a hay(na)ku. This means that each stanza, in whatever shape, contains six words. A total of 30 words for the whole poem, then. No volta or sonnetly turn. Basically a sonnet in shape . . . stanzas basically like Percey Bysshe Shelley's “Ode to the West Wind” sonnet sections but without the terza rima rhyme. I suppose it would be possible to rhyme but immensely difficult because the lines are so short. Now, on to Catherine's poem. She sent me this message along with her poem: "No ode, no sonnet, no candy, no doomsday (though this day felt like it). I write what is offered to me." And man, is it good.
Wow. That's all I got to say. Whew, that's quite a gift for one day's work. Brava, Catherine. Okay, our featured blog today is 000 april where Aprille — no last name, “like Cher or Madonna,“ she jokes — is rocking my blogosphere with absolutely stunning visual imagery. Look at this screencap . . . simply beautiful. Explore Aprille’s blog, and you’ll see it’s a sumptuous feast for several senses. She plays music, she reads her poems out loud, she shows us incredible images and collages. With regard to poetry, Aprille provides an ongoing diary in a sidebar to the blog, where she records her personal guidelines to working the different styles she has encountered this month, starting with a Fibonacci poetic form (new to me), on to Naani, Triolet, Rubaiyat, Shijo, and more . . . fascinating. In her poems, Aprille is absolutely fearless and rapacious in taking on these poetic forms. Fun and fierce. I particularly enjoyed Aprille's recent forays into the ghazal — note her lighthearted “4 U” — inspiring me to try a ghazal when such a NaPoWriMo prompt might arise, which happened yesterday. Thanks for the inspiration, Aprille. Okay, that’s all for today. End of the second week. Unbelievable. So, as usual, leave a comment below, won’t you? Take good care. Ingat. |
sky party
11 hours ago
In Vincent's poem I love the terseness that turns "corvette" into as necessary a verb as gorge, watch, climb, fulfill . . . . I agree. (Though I've never understood the visual imagery of the last line!)
The Chastening is a shocker, the surprise being the POV of the dead. OM! The title is perfect!
And thank you for April!
Oh my oh my!
I'm gobsmacked, as they say over here.
Vince, you have poetized it.I shall have to frame this kindest of descriptions.
I need a cup of coffee now to settle my mind, and will come back for your poems later.
Thank you Susan. I have tried to deal with this subject matter before, with no success. This one feels about right to me. I'm glad you responded to it. I tried several titles, so it is nice to hear that this one works for the reader. Thanks Again,
fantastic sir...
indeed,you're one of the great artwork of GOD.
I am full of awe and honor! Love your invention - hay(na)ku sonnet. "Then kiss your -" is so perfect. :) Thank you for including me in your mash-up!
Snickers... yes! Great blog you have here, Vince.
Susan, thanks so much. I'll let Catherine know about your comment here.
Aprille, cool. And thanks.
Wow, thanks! I try ...
Susan, I really should read ahead before replying. Wonderful that Catherine has responded to you.
Andrea, you're welcome. And thank YOU. I'm enjoying your prompts.
So, Laurie, is that a yes on featuring your blog?
a mischievous
sonneteer without peer
mischievously for
new ways to
kiss :::
Thanks Vince. It's a fun take offa that susmaryosep form!
Eileen, thanks! That last hay(na)ku should be:
kiss kiss
kiss kiss etc.
Love it. Just discovered as is on napowrimo for today . Well done. I'm going to try this now.
See my words at:
Marian, thank you. I also wrote a hay(na)ku sonnet this year at http://vincegotera.blogspot.com/2015/04/day-15-napowrimo-poem-day-2015.html.
Marian, thank you. I also wrote a hay(na)ku sonnet this year at http://vincegotera.blogspot.com/2015/04/day-15-napowrimo-poem-day-2015.html.
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