Hey, everyone . . . did you notice I've got a new blog header? I find myself always wanting to use the word "banner" instead of "header" here because the first term reminds me of flags in a strong breeze, how they whip and crackle, straining to fly free in cerulean ether. And I want that kind of energy in the blog itself. But alas, "header" is the correct term; "banner" is reserved for a graphic used to advertise the blog somewhere else.
Here's the old header if you want to compare the two headers, assuming you haven't been bored to tears at this point!
Click on this thumbnail of the header to see it full size.
I would love some feedback about either header. I created the new one to be more 3D, to have the letters feel like they're floating. And also to minimize my name, which was way too prominent in the old header. What do you think?
Argh!!! My link was messed up. *stomps uninjured foot*
Hi, Nancy! That's great that you left your "first comment." I look forward to "conversing" with you more. I hope you've checked the box that has Blogger send you an e-mail whenever there's a response to your comment. Thanks for reading! --Vince
Hi, Barb. Did you injure your foot? Also, I don't think you actually said your comment? I know you haven't had good luck with blogger comments recently but try again? --Vince
Yep -- sprained it a few weeks ago. I didn't bother mentioning my comment because I read the FB message you sent me about it!
Hi Vince,
Love the header. Very fun. Very blue:) Will try to make it over here more often. Only four weeks left in my semester (am on Spring Break right now--with tons of grading to do!)
Hello, nancyhigh! Yes, both headers are very blue, aren't they. Thanks so much for your comment. How is your novel doing? Should be just about done now, I would think? Good luck with the grading! --Vince
Hello again to (first) Nancy above. When I responded above, I called you "Nancy" ... but I see from your comment that you are "Ruth"! Sorry about that. Thanks again for your comment, Ruth. I mentioned something above about checking a box ... pay no attention. There is no box. Take care! --Vince
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