A couple of recent poetry pubs. Two poems — "Soldier's Son" and "Battalions of Earth" — appeared in Stone Canoe's 10th issue (2016), from The Downtown Writers Center in Syracuse, New York. Many thanks to editor Phil Memmer for this publication and also for inviting me a couple of weeks ago to read in the Downtown Writers Center's Visiting Author Series. On 13 March, I had the distinction of having my poem "Letter to Islas from San Antonio" appear as poem 285 in the HIV Here & Now project's one-year-long Poem-a-Day countdown to 35 years of AIDS on 5 June 2016. My gratitude for this honor goes to Michael H. Broder, curator of this project and publisher of Indolent Books. Friends, won't you comment, please? Love to know what you're thinking. To comment, look for a red line below that starts Posted by, then click once on the word comments in that line. If you don't find the word "comments" in that line, then look for a blue link below that says Post a comment and click it once. Thanks! Ingat, everyone. ヅ |
Poetry Wednesday, No. 232.
11 hours ago