Great news! Five of my poems have been published in the brand-new online magazine, The Syzygy Poetry Journal, a new star in the literary galaxy. There's an excellent interview with Kelly Cherry, the inaugural issue's Syzygyan Poet. Cherry says, "Chaos permits creativity. It gives us a space in which to make mistakes And there are many, MANY fine poets and poems. Congrats to The Syzygy Poetry Journal for an auspicious beginning. Click on the screencap image above to go straight to my poems, if you like, but be sure to browse this fine issue and enjoy the wonderful views and writing. Friends, won't you comment, please? Love to know what you're thinking. To comment, look for a red line below that starts Posted by, then click once on the word comments in that line. If you don't find the word "comments" in that line, then look for a blue link below that says Post a comment and click it once. Thanks! Ingat, everyone. ヅ |
Poetry Wednesday, No. 232.
10 hours ago