Hello, friends. Sorry there hasn't been much by way of poetry since National Poetry Month. More to come later. For now I'd like to announce a book project I'm working on with my girlfriend Kathleen Lawrence (to whom you have seen poems dedicated for a couple of years now) . . . an undergrad textbook tentatively titled Popular Culture 101. Kathy and I are looking for pop culture essays to include in this book. The essays would be pretty short — 2-4 pages, about 500-1000 words — on any aspect of popular culture. You don't have to be a professional or an academic. You can write, for example, on being a fan of Doctor Who or video games or '60s soul music . . . whatever you are into. The deadline is Sunday, 27 July 2014. About four weeks from today. Won't you consider taking part? We'd really love to see and perhaps feature your essay. Or essays if you want to write more than one. For more, go to our Popular Culture 101 blog at http://popc101.blogspot.com. For the nitty gritty details about writing and submitting essays, click on the screenshot from the blog directly above. Comments, anyone? To make a comment, look for a blue link below that says Post a comment and click it once. If you don't see that, look in the red line that starts Posted by Vince, then find the word comments and click it once. Ingat, everyone. ヅ |
Poetry Wednesday, No. 232.
10 hours ago